Bastide du Levant Ste Maxime - French Riviera
Benefit from the best exclusive rates applicable only in the case of a booking directly on our site, using the form below.
Special offers are valid on the website only, and cannot be combined with another website or other promotion. Reservations originating from another website or a partner such as, Expedia, Holiday Lettings, HomeAway, TripAdvisor or AirBnb cannot benefit from the same services and pricing conditions as those indicated on this site.
- 5% to - 25% depending on the length of stay
up to - 30% for 21 consecutive nights
(Except from June 14th 25 to Sept. 13th 25)
The availabilities are not displayed in real time. Please contact us directly for current availability.
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For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us .
Treat yourself to a pleasant stay on the Côte d'Azur!
This is a reservation request at Bastide du Levant. You must wait to receive confirmation of your reservation afterwards. By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our booking terms and our personal data policy .
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